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Rebecca Pham

Data Analyst

Primary Languages: Python, SQL, VBA, Tableau

Data analyst, passionate in discovering new insights from interesting datasets. Strong passion in data visualization, web development and being able to demonstrate findings in creative and appealing formats.

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About Me

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Graduated with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Statistics and Mathematics and a Certificate in Data Analytics both at the University of Toronto. I have a strong interest in data analytics and creating engaging data visualizations. During my spare time I enjoy baking delicious treats and actively pushing my limits rock climbing.

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Included is my resume with my work experience & skills in detail. In addition, my portfolio of data analysis projects both completed professionally or in my spare time.

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Baking Cake on Table

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Trying new reciepes and baking gives me a creative outlet and allows me to create a fun and delicious end product. You'll can explore various baked good I've attempted to make and the recipe I was inspired by or used

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Rock Climbing

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Climbing Log

My adventures as an avid lover of rock climbing. The journey in opening my mind and helping me to grow my skills in problem solving, collaboration, and learning to think outside the box.

Rock Climbing Girl